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In publishing a thesis on early childhood education, first of all, it is necessary to determine the theme of the thesis, which is the basis for the publication. Generally speaking, the topic of a thesis on early childhood education can involve theories of early childhood education, teaching methods and skills, teacher training, educational management and student development, etc. Secondly, the research method of the thesis should be determined, according to the chosen topic, experimental research, case analysis and literature review can be used to carry out the research. Thirdly, a thorough collection of literature and materials should be carried out to support and explain the thesis point of view, which can be obtained from a variety of resources such as domestic and foreign journals, books, newspapers, websites, etc. related to early childhood education. In addition, when making the thesis, it is necessary to use the standard thesis writing format correctly, organize the article according to the introduction, overview, main body, conclusion and reference parts, so as to make the article structure complete and coherent. Finally, it is necessary to find appropriate journals or academic conferences for publishing the thesis, submit the thesis to relevant institutions, wait for review and pass the review for publication.

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